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Thursday, April 16, 2015

You’re Going to Hollywood: Top 7 YouTube Musicians Who Once Competed On ‘American Idol’ CULTURE

You’re going to Hollywood baby!
In the audition room for “American Idol,” before the critical eyes of judges Simon, Paula and Randy, singers from all across the country have come to stand with the hope of receiving the golden ticket.
Many prominent YouTube musicians who have graced the stage of “American Idol” during the early parts of their careers have gone on to establish themselves as prominent artists in the online music community. Since its creation eight years ago, YouTube has changed the game for musicians and made it possible for anyone with a passion for music to be successful without a record deal.
Some YouTube musicians’ subscriber numbers exploded directly after competing on “American Idol.” For others, “American Idol” was just one of many experiences that influenced their gradual rise to fame. Looking back from where they started to their success now, for these seven musicians, “American Idol” was only the beginning.

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